Death Is No Excuse

There was a striking headline the other day: "Customer dies, but refund for ticket refused".  At first I thought this was an odd and eye catching lead in to something completely I read on.  To my amazement, it was the story of a true situation by Christopher Elliott, ombudsman for National...

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Part of my UN charge in Nairobi was to discuss leadership.  As I thought about it I realized how few real leaders there are.  We have lots of people who think of themselves as leaders but who actually rule by position or wealth or power or luck of birth. ...

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Visit to Nairobi, Kenya

Oddly, when the last posting, Group Think, came out I was at a United Nations meeting outside Nairobi.  I say oddly, since it was about as opposite an experience from group think as you can imagine.  There I was, the only US citizen...and one of only four white people...among a...

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Group Think

Last post I was thinking about blindered worldview and the way it cuts you off from most of the world, and the negative effective of this insularity. Then I happened to see an article in the Wall Street Journal by Neil Strauss, The Insidious Evils of 'Like' Culture.  Strauss writes...

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How Big Are Your Blinders?

One of the most important attributes of a successful leader is the ability to understand a wide variety of often competing and incompatible ideas...and people...and incorporate this knowledge into decisions.  Even more difficult is actually managing to gather a wide variety of ideas and meet a wide variety of people in the first place. ...

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Wisdom From Kenya

Many of you know that I spend quite a bit of time in Africa.  I find it a fascinating place, so much opportunity but so much that hinders grabbing the opportunities...not unlike many companies I know. Perhaps because of all the strife and ongoing tribal issues, there is a wealth...

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Steve Smolinsky to Speak at United Nations – Nippon Foundation Africa Alumni Fellows Annual Conference in July

June 27, 2011–The Alumni Conference for the Africa Region of the UN-Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Program will be held in Nairobi,Kenyafrom July 11 – 15. Alumni from at least 11 African nations and lecturers from all over the world will meet to exchange information on ocean governance.  Some...

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My travels take me around the world to visit clients, speak at meetings, meet with government officials, and generally get to see the way things operate in different cultures.  Due to the kinds of things I do, I have the added benefit of speaking with people from all walks of life and...

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