June 27, 2011–The Alumni Conference for the Africa Region of the UN-Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Program will be held in Nairobi,Kenyafrom July 11 – 15. Alumni from at least 11 African nations and lecturers from all over the world will meet to exchange information on ocean governance. Some of the issues to be discussed are maritime boundary delimitation, maritime security, coastal and ocean management and governance strategies, and environmental based fisheries management.
Popular presenter Steve Smolinsky will be among the speakers and lead an interactive day long program. This program will focus on leadership, communication, and negotiation with creating your story and the underlying guide.
Steve is excited to be involved and says, “The UN-NF Fellowship program is an exceptional opportunity for future world leaders to learn all aspects of world class marine management. It is a unique honor to be asked to attend this conference of fellows, both current and alumni, and discuss my ideas on leadership and communication.”
About the United Nations – Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Program
The United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan created the Fellowship Program in April, 2004 to provide opportunities for advanced education and research in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea, to Government officials and other mid-level professionals from developing States so that they may obtain the necessary knowledge to assist their countries to formulate comprehensive ocean policy and to implement the legal regime set out in the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and related instruments.
About Steve Smolinsky
Steven Smolinsky is Founder and President of Benari LTD, a consultancy guiding CEOs and senior teams to success through alignment and discipline of story, focus, accountability, and execution. He is Professional Faculty and Region Manager Africa for the Wharton Global Consulting Practicum of the Wharton School, Consulting Professor National University of Singapore, and Co-Founder Conversation on Networking. He currently serves as board member of Anthurium Solutions and My Gallons as well as non profits Camphill Village Kimberton Hills (Board President) and Kid Pan Alley. He is a popular speaker on story, international business culture, business development, and entrepreneurship. He has co-authored the book Conversation on Networking and writes two successful blogs, one on leadership skills and the other using his life as a humorous tale of networking, story, and business development.
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