Locked In Our Beliefs and Assumptions

Regular readers know that I am a big believer in the power of travel to expand your mind and open your horizons.  We all become locked into a set of beliefs and assumptions based on our history.  This mindset often stops us from growing and locks us into things...

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Take a Walk…Visit Nature

Everywhere I go people keep telling me how tired they, how stressed, how worried, and even how scared.  This is accentuated by our horrible circumstance of always being connected so there is never any real downtime. And for those in positions of authority or leadership, it's accentuated even more by...

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Recently we've been inundated with bad news.  It's been fascinating to notice how it's always due to the actions of someone else.  As near as I can tell, the only senior people in the entire world who actually have the personal strength and moral fiber to take accountability for...

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Confabulation is one of my favorite words.  It goes back to my father who often used it when describing things believed by those living in a world of their own mind.  Confabulation: believing things or events that bear absolutely no resemblance to reality...and sharing or treating them as real. Over the...

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Exercise Your Mind…Think

The calendar is moving towards the end of the year.  It's happening everywhere, including wherever you happen to be.  As the year end approaches it's time to do something people do all too infrequently...just think.  I know that you think you think all the time.  You probably do.  What I'm talking about...

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Sometimes They Have To Go

One of the most difficult thing for most executives to do is send managers resisting change off to find a new place to work.  Lest that be too subtle, it means 'get rid of them'.  There are all kinds of reasons for this inability to make the right decision:  "They've been a...

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Expand Your Mind

To my great disappointment, my visit to Cortes Island is over.  Luckily, I left with my mind pulsing with new ideas and energy.  A week mostly cut off from everything electronic and immediate but filled with random conversations and discussion on a variety of topics with experts in their...

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On Cortes Island, British Columbia

 Cortes Island As I though about what to write while on a hiatus from thinking deep thoughts on Cortes Island, I realized that I've neglected mentioning Have Fun recently.  There have been so many things I've noticed and thought worth discussing that are more along the lines of Pay Attention...

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