Any Elephants?

I know that by the time you read this you will have followed my suggestion in the last post, Take A Break... Since you are now fully recharged and ready to scale new heights, it's time to do that thing you keep putting off: elephant hunting. I've been hearing about and thinking...

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Take a Break…

...and instead of spending the next minute or two reading my thoughts on business success and thinking about it, enjoy the last few days of August. Enough with deep thoughts until September. Give your brain...and the rest of you...a break. Goof off for a day or two, or five....

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There is a charisma deficit, a deficit apparent in all too many managers, executives, and plenty of other people needing to lead. Charisma...the ability to communicate a clear vision, to captivate and motivate, to inspire. Too many believe it is impossible for them to become charismatic, or, at least...

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Thoughts On Nothing In Particular

As I sat to write this Tuesday's missive, I realized that there is nothing in particular worth writing about that caught my attention this past week. Sometimes nothing happens. It's a nice break for you brain. And your brain does need a break sometimes. Some time when it is just running...

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Find the Questions…Travel Lots

One of the old axioms of business is that a great manager finds the answers while a great leader finds the questions. And...there is nothing as good at leading you to questions as extensive travel.  Unfortunately, all travel is not equal. Traveling the same paths with blinders on ensuring you only...

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Same Language…Different Meaning

I have a pile of airplane tickets sitting on my desk. Not tickets actually, but the confirmation sheets with the itinerary for each trip. As I was looking through them and realizing that I already have four trips booked over the next month covering Seattle/Vancouver, El Paso/Juarez, Boston, Chicago/Detroit...

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Move Your Butt…Change Your Thinking

Lots of people are in a rut. And in lots of people I include executives and managers...and their leaders. Their brains are plugged up and new ideas flow slowly, if at all. They are uncomfortable with change and are stuck in a mode of looking for information that agrees with and...

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Slow Down For Greater Success

The world has become a frenetic place. No matter what it is, if it's not instant it's too slow. We've forgotten all about that wonderful invention, the cooling off period. We've forgotten that the goal of most things isn't how fast it gets done but how well it gets done....

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