Great Leader? Most Important Attribute…Compassion

Which are you, Taker or Giver? One who puts your own interests first or one who contributes more than you receive? We've all heard "give and you shall receive." Some take it literally and live it, while others think it's only for losers and easy marks. It turns out that...

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Out Of Touch?

On a recent trip to Paris I managed to catch up on some reading, one of the few good things about long spells in airplanes. While reading the excellent new book Headtrash by Tish Squillaro and Timothy I. Thomas, I ran across an old saying being quoted by Peter...

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Customer Service Excellence

Last post was about my recent experience of hearing John Bogle share his wisdom. What I did not share was the exceptional customer service I received while attending his talk at the Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia, deciding Bogle's talk and Four Seasons customer service were so exceptional they each deserve a seperate...

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The Wisdom of John Bogle

If you have not had the opportunity to hear John Bogle, Founder of Vanguard Group, share his thoughts on financial matters and need to. This morning 175 of us sat totally focused on his soft voice as he spent 45 minutes in his self deprecating humorous way sharing the rise of the...

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Simplifying Our Brains

In the January 4 issue of the Financial Times there was an article by April Dembosky: Cerebral Circuitry. I found it very compelling while also quite depressing since Dembosky clearly laid out changes I have been noticing in people, especially young people. I've had it sitting on my desk...yes, I...

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You Really Are Accountable

The news is filled with examples of senior executives and politicians who want a position at the top but are too cowardly to accept the ultimate responsibility that goes with such a position. It is always someone else's fault. They never had any idea what was going on...even if...

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Warren Buffet’s Key To Success? Criticism

Buffet is an unusual man in many ways. One of the ways is that he insists on having people who vehemently disagree with him around to push back...and he is not just fine with, but actually welcomes such disagreement in public. He turns out to be one of the...

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Pluralistic Ignorance

Have you ever been in a group and privately believed something while sure the rest of the group believed the opposite? Remember that time at the fancy restaurant you were sure the food was terrible but were unwilling to speak up because no one else did? You assumed they thought the food wonderful...

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