
As I sat down to write this, it occurred to me that my mind was blank. Totally blank. A deafening absence of thought greeted me. At first I panicked. As regular readers know, this missive comes out every Tuesday unless technical glitches intervene. Not only do I always, or so I...

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Find Your Words

Everyone is inundated by information, often in excruciating detail. Much of it is marketing materials shouting about how wonderful the sender is. You get videos, texts, tweets, emails, and even a call now and then. Everywhere you go you're subjected to people who immediately share their expertise...without you asking. It's...

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End Sunk Cost Bias

Sunk Cost Bias. Do you ever suffer from it? Of course you do. Just about everyone does. Sunk cost bias is the tendency to continue doing something no matter how poorly it's going once you've invested time and money...the unwillingness to cut your losses and find a better solution. Think...

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What’s The Message?

People look through your words to your actions when they want to know what you really believe. More importantly, their actions are guided by your actions. As we've all heard, if you don't walk the talk, they follow the walk and not the talk. Two recent events got me thinking...

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Relax…And Become A Better Manager

In today's hyperactive, over-informationed, global, 24/7's hard for managers to relax and let their minds run free. And yet, there is much neuroimaging research showing that this is exactly what leads to the best decisions and becoming a more motivating manager. It turns out that when it comes...

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Over the last few years a lot of research has been done on the science of political thought. Recently psychologists Russell Fazio and Natalie Shook had a group of self identified liberals and conservatives play BeanFest. BeanFest is a simple video game where the player sees a variety of...

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Give Them A Rest

Do you check your business email before you go to bed? Multiple times over weekends and holidays? In the middle of your daughter's wedding? Does it make you crazy when you find yourself in a place where there is no signal? So crazy that you check every few minutes just...

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Putin and Obama

It seems the cold war has been revived. Or, perhaps it's not exactly the cold war as real fighting is going on and territory is being annexed. The world is watching as the verbal battle between Putin and Obama plays out around the actual ground game taking place. Just now...

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