Last Friday I began the process of installing EOS…Entrepreneurial Operating System…in a new client.  This is an extraordinary way of running your business that follows my thinking about how all you need to run a successful business is to know, be passionate about, and follow your story…and, of course, to guide your actions by my mantra: 

Pay Attention · Add Value · Have Fun

The installation takes the senior team three full days spaced out over 60 days…by the end they are charging ahead in ways they never thought possible.  We start off the first day by working on creating an accountability chart for the senior levels of the organization.  Not organization chart, not job chart and descriptions…an accountability chart.

Every time I guide a new client through the process of creating their unique accountability chart I am struck by what a revelation it is for them.  The top person and their senior team always are amazed at what they see…and by what it reveals about the state of their company.

I’ve been thinking about the implications of a senior team not knowing and understanding the accountabilities of their and other top positions, and how all the accountabilities fit together to create a fully accountable organization guided by each person knowing exactly what their role is and what they are accountable for.  No wonder so many companies are flailing away in the wilderness.

Imagine that your organization was designed around accountabilities rather than personalities or some silly organization chart and job descriptions.  Imagine that each and every person…starting at the top…is crystal clear about what is expected, and knows exactly what is required to achieve these expectations.  Imagine this enables you to have exactly the right person in each and every seat, all pulling together, totally focused on living your story every moment of every day.

Now wouldn’t your company run a bit better?

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