Awake Leaders
In everything we do,
we believe in lifting“outside the box” to radically new levels.
We cultivate the power of AWAKE Leaders.
These words on the homepage of the Sourcing The Way website captured my full attention. A friend had recommended the site, suggesting I might find it interesting.
Not only did I find the site interesting, it actually led to an energizing two-hour call with one of the creators, Jeff Vander Clute, Chief Consciousness Officer. Even though we are from widely divergent backgrounds, we discovered that we shared the same views on many things, and on matters where our viewpoints differed, we engaged in lively and stimulating debate. All of it aimed at how to improve how we live our lives and guide others, especially those in leadership positions.
Digging deeper into the Sourcing The Way site, I came upon a blog post by Maria Baeck, Chief Wholeness Officer, in which she talks about the three questions that have guided her self-discovery journey.
Am I owning my story?
Am I living my values?
Am I showing up fully?
Over the years I’ve read much about leadership, heard quite a few talks about leadership, participated in countless discussions about leadership, and even helped quite a few people improve their leadership abilities. But I never before saw the essence of a great leader distilled in such a simple way. Simple to read but difficult to consistently exemplify. Which is why we see so little great leadership not only in business but also in other walks of life.
Let’s break down these three criteria that underlie all actions of a great leader.
Am I owning my story? Before owning your story you need to know your story. You need to have a clear picture of what you stand for and ensure everything you do and say exemplifies it. You need to go forth in a consistent way with clear messages and actions that always show clearly the journey you’re on, the place you’re aiming for, and the path that others can follow to get there too. You must always be your story. Without exception.
Am I living my values? Before living your values, you must have internalized a few crystal clear values that guide all you do. Values you can clearly articulate to those you lead. Values that you exemplify in all you do and say. Values that lead you to guide people forward and encourage them to be the best they can be.
Am I showing up fully? To show up fully you have to be able to focus and concentrate all of your attention on those around you. Whether it’s one person in front of you or thousands, you need to demonstrate that they are the only thing you’re thinking about, that all your energy is focused on guiding them to a wonderful place.
You have to be strong to live these personal attributes always. It’s easy to find yourself moving whichever way the wind blows. It’s easy to be seduced by offers of power and wealth. As I watch what’s happening in Washington I’m sad to see many whom I had considered good leaders turn out to be weak of character and unable to stand tall against the onslaught of falsehoods, incivility, and incompetence enveloping them.
Awake leaders? I think not.
Often the most useful ideas come from unexpected places. It’s one of the reasons that while I explore the world or even the internet, I speak to and learn from a wide range of people from different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences, and continually read articles and stories that look at things in a new way.
Am I owning my story?
Am I living my values?
Am I showing up fully?
Useful guides indeed. Ask yourself these three questions…