Of course, the facts are important…and the story better be based on facts. But, stories have impact that mere facts never have. Research with fMRI machines is showing that stories activate the brain in the same way that actually having the experience does. A recitation of facts, well, that’s a different story.
You all know this. Which of you hasn’t been enthralled by a speaker painting a glorious multicolored moving picture of the way in which he or she has led their company to new heights of success. And which of you hasn’t been put to sleep by a Powerpoint filled with facts…with 73 lines of small type per slide.
When we hear a story our brain activates visual images and emotional responses, making it easier to get and remember the message. Right brain thinking ignites and expands, leading to more creativity, engagement, passion, and excitement.
A leader knows the story…their own story, the company’s story, the employees’ story, the customers’ story, the vendors’ story…and tells them all well. Exceptional stories are based on reality, on experiences and knowledge that the storyteller weaves into a dynamic whole that guides the listener to new places.
A leader paints a vision of the future…and the path to get there. He or she builds an emotional base that grabs the guts of the listener, and doesn’t let go. And a great leader trusts the listeners to use their own knowledge and expertise to achieve this vision.
So become a great leader…tell more stories. Paint the picture, build the emotion, grab the senses. Amazing things can be accomplished when everyone is listening to the same story and is striving to paint the same picture.
So to be a great leader…become a great storyteller. You can do it. You’ll love the results.