Since I last sent off a note…an entire week ago…I’ve been crazy busy. As I sat down to write this my mind went completely blank. I looked around my desk, pawed through some papers, swung around in my chair, and when I looked back at my computer…my mind was still blank.
Since I’m know for doing talks off the top of my head, writing clever and humorous emails in response to whatever I receive, editing on the fly anything clients send me, rambling on about everything, offering great advice in random conversations, and even recently re-writing a script for a video, it was an unusual experience to draw a complete blank.
So, as you can see, as I thought about it I realized that this is the perfect topic to share with overworked executives. Your brain really can go blank from overwork. And worse, the quality of your thinking is probably deteriorating along the way to total blankness without you even realizing it.
Luckily there is not only a cure but also a preventative: rest your brain. There is much research that shows a rested brain is a productive brain, a brain able to think deep thoughts, a brain able to make good decisions, a brain that can pay attention and adjust as required. In short, a brain you want to have…always.
And a tired brain. Well, just go back and read the first paragraph.
I know this sounds awfully silly for such an experienced international consultant as myself to be going on about such a topic, but, executives succeed through the power and creativity of their thinking. And they fail through poor quality…tired…thinking.
Something to think about.