There is lots going on for most people. For people in positions of leadership, there are even more things trying to grab your attention. It seems as though every time you turn around, something else demands attention. Worst of all, many of these things popping up seem important, at least at the moment you first see them.
For many it is difficult to differentiate between what they should be doing and what it seems like they should be doing, what is really important and what merely seems important. All too often this leads to random careening around from this to that while ignoring that which really should be done, that which truly is at the core of your business.
Too much time is spent on the inconsequential while the important is not addressed.
The problem arises because you really haven’t thought through what it is that drives your business. Sure, you pay lip service to knowing, but have you taken your leadership team into a room and spent the time it takes in open and honest discussion to figure out the Core Focus of your business? It’s not easy.
The Core Focus, that which is truly the heart of what you do and drives all else. By extension, it also elimates much. Something either is or isn’t part of your Core Focus, what you should be doing.
To the extent that you get clarity about this, it makes it so much easier to ignore all those things popping up around you. You gain focus, concentration, and the ability to be a successful leader. A leader guiding your organization directly at those things that build success while driving past the glittery things trying to attract you attention, trying to distract you from the important things.
In today’s world, built on glorifying attention deficit disorder and instant response to the detriment of reasoned thought and focused attention, the task of staying on target is even more difficult than it used to be. You need to be ever more vigilant at ensuring you, and your entire organization, are crystal clear about always working on the most important issues first while letting the rest flow by untouched.
You can only do so much. You only have so much time, energy, and resources. Give yourself and your people a break. Always remember that knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.