I sat down this morning to write today’s post and found my mind in chaos. Not blank as I found my mind some months ago when I realized I had nothing to say so wrote the brief post Nothing To Say, but chaos as in filled with things bouncing around and crashing off each other leading to nothing comprehensible. No thought or idea able to break through.
My mind is overwhelmed with the great mass of things going on in my life, all requiring me to think about them and come up with creative ideas about how to resolve them. Worse yet, there are other people waiting to hear what I think or waiting to act on my ideas. The more I think about this the greater the chaos becomes, the more rapid the flow moves.
It’s an interesting experience. I know at various times many suffer from this same chaos. More and more things going on requiring attention, the information pouring in at a faster and faster pace, the time to consider each thing decreasing rapidly, increasing numbers of decisions of great significance needing to be made.
Luckily there is a solution…take a Clarity Break. Stop the chaos by stepping out of the race for an hour and clearing your mind.
There are many ways to do this. Some like to spend an hour at a Starbucks with their favorite drink, an open mind, and a yellow legal pad and pen to capture anything that pops up. Some like to meditate in a quiet room. Some like a fast run or watching the ocean ebb and flow.
It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it takes you out of your day to day activities and gives your mind a chance to slow down and wander freely. An hour on a regular basis works wonderfully. Your mind slows down, the chaos abates, the ideas appear, and your whole body relaxes. The synapis clear and fire again in optimal fashion. You return a different person, again able to function at your best.
And everyone notices and breathes a sign of relief.
Me? I’m off right now for a long walk through the woods that I see out the window right in front of me.
you can stop by and take my dog for a walk anytime – works for me. Paying attention to something else really helps.