Confabulation is one of my favorite words.  It goes back to my father who often used it when describing things believed by those living in a world of their own mind.  Confabulation: believing things or events that bear absolutely no resemblance to reality…and sharing or treating them as real.

Over the years I have run into the most amazing confabulations as I work with companies around the world.  “We are the best” as said by companies on the verge of bankruptcy.  “People are our most important resource” as said by CEOs of companies who treat the employees like slaves.  And my favorite, “I know best” as said by executives who clearly didn’t have a clue.

Confabulation is a wonderful thing when skilled novelists and directors create a universe of their own design.  Confabulation is horribly destructive when executives and managers create their own universe…and then act as though it’s real.

In past postings I’ve talked about creating your company story and using this story to guide your company in all it does.  But, I’ve been talking about a true story, a story based on facts and actions.  A story that all can see incorporates your values, your focus, and that which you do each and every day.  You need to walk the talk…always.

And when you confabulate, the only one who believes your words is yourself.  What message does this send?




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