Quite a few major things are going on around the world right now. There’s the disaster in Japan from the earthquake and tsunami that as I write this threatens a nuclear reactor with meltdown…or maybe two or three reactor meltdowns. A collection of countries in North Africa and the Middle East are in the throes of revolution and overcoming the despots who have ruled for decades.
The United States is being torn apart by those in power incapable of understanding how to work together to solve our problems. Production of food can’t keep up with demand leading to rapidly rising prices and increases in poverty and starvation. And income inequality is at record setting levels around the world, leading to fears about where this will lead.
And that’s just a few examples of what’s facing us as a world. What major issues are facing you in your country? Your company?
Yet as I look around I find a noticeable lack of leaders able to rise to the occasion…be it worldwide, countrywide, or even companywide. I’m not talking about people who have the right answer to these problems. There probably is no simple right answer.
I’m talking about people who have the ability to rise above the fear, anger, and hatefilled shouting and bring us all together. I keep looking for a leader who is able to put parochial ideas aside, restrain those following ideology above fact and reason, calm the noise, and speak with openness and honesty about the difficulties we face…and the hard choices and shared sacrifice required to solve them.
At this time of great need for leaders to bring us together…we have created an environment where the most divisive have the bigger megaphone. And where our worst instincts gain prominence. Where those who cast blame others are in ascendancy while voices of calm and reason are drowned out.
So step back. Take a good, honest look at yourself…and the way you lead and manage. Are you fanning the flames or are you fighting the fires? Are you a builder or a destroyer? Will your legacy be that you left the world…and your company…a better place, or that you helped destroy what you inherited?
What would you like to see about yourself in the history books of the future?