We’ve all been watching what’s going on in the various dictatorships of North Africa and the Middle East since Tunisians rose up in anger.  As I write this, Egypt looks like the next country that’s going to throw out its authoritarian president.  Protests have started in other countries in the area so who knows how many regimes will change before things settle down…and the impact on the rest of us.

What I find most amazing about all of this is how a single event by one person started it all.  Mohamed Bouaziza’s suicide by burning himself to death in public set if all off.  And what set off Bouaziza? The fact that as a college educated 26 year old he was not even allowed to earn a living by selling vegetables from a cart.

It reminded me how often people in high places are looking at the big things without noticing that the little things are what matter most to the vast majority of people.  Secure…or so they think…in their power and position they’re not paying attention to what people really care about.  And when the people get annoyed enough…the wave of their power overwhelms all before it.

So far we’ve been talking about political leaders.  But now apply this to yourself and your understanding of your organization.  How cocooned are you?  Do you really have any idea what your employees, customers, and prospects are aggravating about?  Do you take it seriously or push it away since it doesn’t meet your idea of anything important? 

And what will it take for them to rise up against you…or are your employees already sabotaging you without your even realizing it?

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