I known people like Frank. In their quest for power they’re willing to walk all over anyone in their path. It often works for awhile.
Of course, they leave a line of people just waiting to strike back, mostly in subtle ways. People looking for ways to sabotage whatever the knife wielder tries, to slow down his plans, to subvert his ideas.
Why does Frank operate this way? People enable him. Senior executives set a tone that nothing matters as long as you win. The collateral damage is irrelevant.
We see the results of this all the time. Dysfunctional organizations, corruption, moral and ethical bankruptcy, and a continual public relations effort required to attempt to fool the public. And it’s not just in the corporate world. Public officials and those in the non profit world are struck by the same disease.
Look around you. You’ll see people so afflicted. Listen to what people in their organizations say, notice the culture…and it’s effect on people. Compare it to where there are no Franks.
Now look at yourself…and how people talk about you. Think about what you want on your tombstone.